Brothers Premier Women have put in a solid performance to defeat derby rivals Norths Eagles 24-7 at Crosby Park at the weekend.

The home side scored early in the piece, with a driving run from Centre Hannah Rowan, before reserve player Eva Johnston scored under the posts to add to the tally through a grinding passage of play off multiple scrums and pick and drive plays just before half time to give the home side a 12 nil lead.

After the break Norths rallied with Emily Eglen crossing with 20 minutes to go to make the match a close affair, before the women in Butchers Stripes saw two quick tries to Jenai Inivale and Maggie McConnachie to grab a vital bonus point late, with kicker Emma Tanwan converting two from four.

The result has Brothers Women settled into 7th place on the table, 2 behind 6th placed GPS who they play this coming weekend at Yoku Road.