The Brothers Rugby Club Foundation Trust

A Foundation to ensure Brothers Rugby Club continues to be the premier rugby club in Australia.

The resources required to maintain a successful rugby club are significant – the cost base large – the technical expertise necessary, world class. These are challenges the Club alone cannot meet. It is thus the goal of the Foundation to provide financial and commercial independence. The Club must continue to attract the leading players, coaches, support and technical staff. It must have state of the art resources, facilities and grounds. The Foundation will work with the Club to achieve these outcomes.

How the Funds are Utilised

The clear objective of the Foundation is to build a sustainable, large and growing capital base to deliver real outcomes to the Club. The Foundation will direct funds to: capital projects, coaching and administrative resources, and assets that increase the rugby potential of our players.

How the Funds are Applied

The Foundation will consider certain projects upon application by the Club. The Foundation believes that each project must be for the objective of furthering the long term interests of the Club. For too long funds have been raised and used to meet operational matters. This is contrary to the core objective of the Foundation which is to meet the long term aspirations of the Club and its players.

Tax Deductibility

The Australian Sports Foundation [ASF] has been established by the Commonwealth Government to assist not for profit organisations to raise funds for sport. Funds are deposited with the ASF. The ASF will approve projects to which donors may contribute. These donations are tax deductible.

Alternatively, donors may contribute to the Foundation directly, for which no tax deductible status applies. This allows the Foundation to grow its capital base without the need to advise the ASF of specific projects. Freedom within the Foundation exists to divert these funds to the objectives of the Foundation.


Assistance is sought from the Foundation to have you, your friends and supporters of Brothers, bequest an amount in your Will to “The Brothers Foundation.” It is quite common for other successful Clubs in Australia, who run such Trusts, to seek donations from members’ and supporters’ estates. All amounts would be gratefully accepted as your legacy to this great Club.

The Target

The Foundation wishes to meet a minimum target of $1 million within 10 years. With this amount invested the Foundation believes it will be able to apply the interest on funds invested to approved projects.

Management of the Foundation

The Board of the Foundation has established a sub-committee to raise funds:

Paul Tully          [email protected]                             07 3231 0615

Dennis Croft     [email protected]                              0411 570 565

Mark Harvey    [email protected]     0402 126 335

Tom Ritchie      [email protected]           0414 484 767

Tim McKellar    [email protected]            0412 131 178

(Treasurer) Simon Neill       [email protected].          0416 727 999

The Board of the Foundation will ensure the funds are managed under strict prudential guidelines to ensure the objectives of the Foundation are met.

The fund will be audited annually. Donors will be provided with annual audited accounts of the fund.

Donate here: 


All Little Bros, U6-U16, Junior Colts (U17 & U18), Girls, MRP, Women, Colts & Grades